Tuesday, 11 January 2011

1. I disagree, because after finish reading Harrison Bergeron story, I visualize that Vietnam would be the same as United State that author Kurt Vonnegut write.
2. The law would be: Everyone who has a average Intelligent should study more than people that is high.
People should't weight more than 50KG
People should't taller than 175CM
Everything price should be 10$
3. I would tell them to study, exercise more than people that is high physically,mentally.
4. I think there will be a lot of problems in the society, like people will got deaf by the radio in their ears or people that are smart but not strong can die from the canvas bag. I think there is no ways to solve this problems if they want everybody equal.
5. In my opinion, total equality is not possible because how people are acting now, they compete each others to see who is better. Life would be really hard for those people, they don't want to be the same as other people, they want to be better, smarter, faster, stronger...
6. In the situation when George refuse to take out some ball of his neck, cause he will got to go to the jail for 2 years and 2000@ penalty. I would said no in that situation to because i don't want to live in jail for 2 years and lose my money to take out some weight out of my neck.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

How does advertising influence consumption?

I think that advertising influence the consumption. Cause all every companies want their to be the most famous, the most trust from the citizen. People just only
look the good side of the companies not the bad side, so they think that is good and they should buy or use that product.

I think can more informed more about the product by asking the people who are using that product, or they can search the quality of it in the internet.

In my opinion the Advertisement influence what we purchase, because it show all the good things about it, they use famous people to make us think that product is very good even famous people use it.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Since 1934 durring word war 3.Bombland citizen was very hungry,
the eyepiece has take all the food and resource of bombland.
The goverment was planning to force all poor people to imigrate
to the Dog Cat world that they would have food to eat. And all the
wealthy family would stay back because they can buy food for the
higher price.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

1. This story talk about the Global Warming make many disasters.
2.Torrential:strong flowing water
Decades: long time ago
3.Weather is happen in a short times and climate is happen in long period of times.
5.I never had a experience of extreme weather
6.i think perception mean your knowledge
7.My perception is to not throwing trash and cutting tree.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

5 themes of geography

Movement:On the map once both terrorist and counter terrorist
both have to move in the forest because they scare of the volcano
on the bombisland.

Human/enviroment interaction:In the bombland both
terrorist and counter terrorist both live near the lake because
they need them, without watter they will die.In bombland they
don't have any resource accept for watter.

Location:Depend on the map bombland are locate

Place: Two country terrorist and counter both live near their biggest lake
because so they can take watter easily to survive.I also have forest in my map

Region:In my map their is one big island call bomb land
their are two country,cover with river and lake to take
water(in the lake)also with forest and mountain

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Study Guide

1)Maps: Political Map: Shows the country
2)Physical Map: Show Climate
3)Thematic map: Show the theme
4)6 essential element: Geography: Study of people, places, and environment
5)Environment: A physical features around the location
Spatial: The space between two points
Location: The exact spot, exact position based on longitude, and latitude
Place: an area described by its physical and human characteristics.
Region: a large with many similar human and physical characteristic
7)Active reader
8)Land surveyor,Urban planner,Location analyst,Climatologist
9)What is culture

Family tree

After this project I have learn so many things about other country like South Korea, China, Germany and also Vietnam. I learn about their culture, food and religion. This family tree project helps me a lot, like stand in front of my peers to talk, know my history and my friends. Now I think that I not afraid to talk to many people any more